The theory test is made up of a multiple choice part and a hazard perception part. You need to pass both parts to pass it. Once you have passed the theory test you can then apply to take your practical driving test.
Theory Test : Time Allowed 57 Minutes Pass Mark 43 out of 50
Before the test starts you'll be given instructions on how the test works.
You can also choose to go through a practice session of the multiple choice questions to get used to the layout of the test. At the end of the practice session the real test will begin. A question and several answer options will appear onscreen and you have to select the correct answer to the question by touching the screen. Some questions may require more than one answer.
Some car and motorcycle multiple choice questions will be given as a case study. The case study will show a scenario that five questions will be based on. The subject of the scenario focuses on real life examples and experiences that drivers could come across when driving.
You can navigate between questions and 'flag' questions that you want to come back to later in the test. After the multiple choice part you can choose to have a break of up to three minutes before the hazard perception part starts.
Click on the road signs to the left and see the Directgov website, with full information on your theory test.
Practical Driving Test: Time Allowed Approximatley 40 Minutes
Your driving test will start with an eyesight check and some vehicle safety questions.(See Show Me, Tell Me link to the left) You will then start your practical driving test which will include some specific manoeuvres.
The driving part of your test will last about 40 minutes. Throughout the test your examiner will be looking at your ability and general safe standard of driving. From the 4th October 2010 you will only be asked to carry out one reversing exercise. You may also be asked to carry out an emergency stop exercise. In addittion from the 4th October 2010, your practical test will include approximately ten minutes of independent driving. This part of the test has been designed to test your ability to drive unsupervised, and make safe decisions without guidance. You can make up to 15 driving faults and still pass the test (16 or more results in failure). However, if you commit one serious or dangerous fault you will fail the test.
Click on the picture above to have the theory test explained
Click on the picture left to have the practical driving test explained
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